Wednesday 5 October 2011

Performance: Beyonce - Single Ladies

Mise en scene:

When it comes to the mise en scene within Beyonces' video it had quite a basic background. It consists purely of a white and is slightly elevated at each end.  The effect that this background has is that it allows the audience to focus predominantly on the main stars performance, which is the main selling point of the entire video. The elevation at the end of each side of the room is taken advantage of during her performance, and helps to create a unique visual style, connoting her sense of dominance within the video as the main attraction.

In addition when it comes to their leotards they're very revealing which connotes the stars very sexual nature but also helps to anchor the "single ladies" lyrics and also helps to accentuate some of her physical attributes to the audience. Furthermore the fact that their outfits are almost exact helps create a sense of uniformity throughout the entire performance, yet still allowing her to be the main focus, due to her outfit being more revealing in comparison to other dancers.

When it comes to the lighting within the video it is quite dark around the edges of the room but there's a single light that focuses purely on the star and her dancers. This once again signifies her dominance and importance within the video but i think it helps to project the message she is sending to the audience. This message being a sense of singularity and i think helps to reinforce her star persona to her audience, as she is more noticeable that her dancers despite their uniformity.  However despite the room being quite dim at points the intensity of the light varies significantly from being luminescent to pitch black, which all happened to the rhythm of the music In having a variation in lighting allows her outfit to become more definable when there was more light but when it was a lot darker it focused on her as the indivual star.

The only prop used within the entire video is her metallic ring, which is extend over her entire index finger. This is purely used in order to reinforce the message of the title "Single Ladies: Put a ring on it", and helps to further promote the song to her audience.


When it comes to the effects used within there was only one used, which was black and white. This allowed their outfits and the back ground to be accentuated even further, which allowed the audiences attention to once again be focued on Beyonce but also her dancers


Due to the fact that it was a performance video contained both the star and the dancers, during a proportion of the performance the camera did reamin at a long shot, along with some mid shots. This allowed the charatcers performance to be the mian highlight of the entire sequence but also allows it to be the main selling point to the audience, as well as potentially being that videos USP. However at certain points during the video the camera would zoom in on Beyonce, emphasisng the positions she would be in at those moments. This connotes her sense of dominance within the video but also uses her sexuality to draw in the audience further, which is induced by the zooming. Another shot type they use is panning, denoted when the camera circles around Beyonce and the dancers, during their performance; this allows the performance to be seen from a different perspective, but also helps retain the interest of the audeince and keeps a variation in shots allowing it to have a sense if repeatability.  Furthermore there are also a few close ups of Beyonce's face and her mechanical ring/glove, and this then makes reference to the title of the song once again, and draws the audeince to the main star.

This video is an example of amplify as neither a narrative nor a conceptual video was created in order to put the lyrics of her song across to her audience. However in combinding a performance video with the use of amplify allowed the video and the lyrics to have a loose connection between the both of them. This allows the message she is sending to her audience to be a lot more visual and entertaining as she is expressing it through dance rather than there being a story, which then helps retain the audiences intrests continuosly.