Thursday 6 October 2011

Ji** In My Pants: Intertexuality analysis

This is a parody video of the pop genre as a whole and was created by Lonely Island records, which are known for creating videos that highlight the negative points of a genre. 

The intertexual references in which this video is referring to is the Pop and RnB genre and their heavy emphasis on sexual experiences but also a man's need to gain sexual pleasure from a woman. They expose the ways in which both these genres exaggerate these sexual encounters to the optimum point. Furthermore in order for them exaggerate the situation the even further they placed them in the most absurd of locations such as a supermarket, nighclub, parking lot etc. In order to create a humoursly absurd effect that remains constant throughout the entire video. An example of when they make reference to the pop genre is denoted when the stars are placed in the most unrealistic of locations such as the parking lot, where the background isnt a controlled environment. From this when can connte how ridiculous those types of videos are and begin to pick up on them.

Target Audience
The target audience would consist of a variation in ethnicities and this is due to the fact that pop is part of the mainstream indutry meaninig that they're mainstream would have such a variartion between them, making it hard to pick a particularly audience for the entire genre. However for this particular song these stars would appeal to white teenage girls aged 15-20, and  this is due to that fact that the charatcers themselves were white and could possibly be within that age range.