Monday 13 June 2011

Leona Lewis - Bleeding Love

This must video is a clear example of a narrative video that uses amplify in order to portray the meaning of the lyrics to the audience. Throughout the entire music video the two elements that stood out most were cinematography and mise en scene, as these were heavily focused on in order to portray the raw emotion denoted throughout the music video.

Mise en scene:

 The fact that each of the characters are located in different areas whilst still enclosed withing the same structure helps to create a link between each of the stories whilst still having their own independent meanings that they convey to the audience. In addition i feel as if there is an emotional link between all of the characters within the music as both the lyrics and the action occurring at the time anchor each other significantly allowing the stars message to be conveyed on a greater scale. Furthermore each of the stories occurring within the video stems from the same ideas, which include love, sorrow, pain, and lust. In addition because of the fact that each of these emotions are conveyed in different rooms creates a stylistic outcome, making it seem more unique as the entire building has be cross sectioned, allowing us to see all these events occurring at once. The way in which the characters perform further convey her message to the audience as she and creates a sense of realism that the audience could relate to on a personal level.  


When it came to the cinematography the fact that they shot it in such a unique way not only allowed it to establish a sense of location but also helps to get a general overview of the various events that may occur throughout the video, and this was due to the fact that the building has been cross-sectioned allowing you to see the inside of the building. Another shot used was a close up of the stars face, which helps to draw in the audience attention on the star as she's meant to be the foccal point within the video. In addition by focusing on her face we as the audience can feel the emotion she's conveying from the lyrics giving them greater meaning. 


When it comes to the stars representation within this music video, she at points conforms to the stereotype of a females role within music video. This is denoted when one of the actors are crying and arguing with the male actor. From this we can connote the males dominance iwthin the video as the female character is crying, showing her passive nature within the video. In addition she is in a sense being objectified as she's wearing a top and some underwear, but nothing else. This doesnt create a sense of voyerism, in makes links to womens other role within music video.

Another place where she conforms to the stereotype is denoted whens she's in the hallway on the floor, in a sparkly dress. From this we can connote how feminine the star is but also she is singing about love and relatioships, which is a common role for women within music videos. Furthermore she is portaying herself in a passive manner, which is then further emphasised whilst on the floor, coiled up connoting her sense of vulnerabilty. This is theen anchored by the lyrics whilst she's say " i keep bleeding, keep keep bleeding love".