Wednesday 12 October 2011

Gender Representation Case Study: Alexis Jordon - Good Girl

Within this video Alexis both conforms and subverts from the typical gender representations of women in music video, and in doing this she in a sense could potentially convey two parts of the stars of  persona representing herself as dominant and passive. Alexis Jordan at point within her video conforms to the normal stereotype of female representation, whilst still being capable of being conveying her message to the audience from two perspectives. 
An example of her conforming to the stereotype is denoted when she sitting on the speaker and is singing whilst the guy is standing next to her, whilst she is wearing an pink dress and he's wearing a black costume. From this we can connote that within this shot she is represented as being inferior, and this is further emphasised by her wearing a pink dress. However in comparison to the man who is wearing all black connoting both his masculinity but also his dominance over her. In addition the way in which she is positioned in a coy manner towards the male once again make  it is seem as if she is giving herself away to the male further conforming to the woman's role within a video. In addition to her costume since its quite short we can in a way connote that she is objectifying her body exposing her legs and her chest making her at that point within the video a sexual object.

An example of when she subverts the stereotype of women within music video is denoted when she is sitting on the black motorcycle wearing a black catsuit. From this we can connote her new dominance within the music video in contrast to her previous shot of her being a lot more feminine. In addition whilst she is using her sexual prowess to attract the males attention she is giving her a sense of empowerment, and this is further conveyed by her lying on the motorcycle which is a very masculine machine. Despite the fact there is no male character within the video she isn't represented in a passive manner but is portraying herself in a more aggressive manner rather than conforming to the stereotypical depiction of women as being soft and feminine. The way in which she is positioned is in a suggestive manner, and she is wearying a costume to reveals her chest, which creates a voyeurism effect.

In this video the theory of the male gaze can be used as at certain points throughout the video as she conforms to the stereotype of a female within music video. For example this is denoted when is wearing a very low cut dress, shaking her finger to the screen. From this we can connote that at this point she is attracting males as she's wearing a revealing outfit and it shows her as being passive as she's giving up her body for the views pleasure. This then causes her to seem like a sexual object creating a sense of the "male gaze". However the action she is doing contradicts that notion because she is signifying that whist is dressed in such a provocative manner she is not giving anything and connotes the idea that she's in charge of the situation at hand. Therefore this allows her to use this sexual prowess that she possess and turn it into a sense of female empowerment but still retains the concept of love and relationships within her music video.

The genre of this artist is predominantly pop which usually consists of dance routines, dramatic shots and upbeat music, but also tends to convey notions of love, relationships and friendships. 
Dancing within pop video is a very common conventions and this video conforms to that, and it represents the star in a objectified way, because during that moment the star and the dancers purpose is purely for display and for the pleasure of the audience. In addition they usually help to highlight the main star, and in this case its a women, which allows her to draw more attention in comparison to a male star dancing.
 At this point it further contains the conventions of a pop video as this is a dramatic moment within the video, usually singing the chorus in order to fully express the ideals she is showing to her audience. In addition at this point she is represented in a slightly different way, whilst she is still passive it conveys a more "girly" side of the star that isn't consistently seen throughout the video. Furthermore it helps reinforce the ideas of love and relationships that are anchored by the lyric "You might mistake me for a heart breaker".

The star persona of the artist could possibly be the various personalities that she expresses throughout the video, which consists of a confident, dominant female that's a little more wild but also a calm, "girly" very feminine, passive individual. As shown above both of these personalities could potentially form the stars own persona, but i also think that she is the type of person who wouldn't be afraid to conform to the normal stereotype of a female within music videos but is also capable of expressing a side of her that subverts from the norm, and portrays her in a male's role, yet she still retains her sexual prowess that can be given to the audience.