Saturday 8 October 2011

Hurtwood House - Crazy In Love (Student Analysis)

This is an example of past students work who have done a cover to Beyonce's "Crazy in Love". Ths is an example of a performance based music video using illustation and amplfiy to convey the lyrics to the audience.

The conventions that are evident within the video are a combination of illustration and amplify as there are direct links between the actions within the video, whilst at certain points only ever making loose connections to the lyrics. An example of when illustation is used is denoted when they say "Crazy In Love" and during that scene  there is a man thats been stabbed. In doing this you can connote that they've taken that lyrics literally and have demonstrated that by emphasising a the word "crazy" by displaying a graphic image to the audience.  An example of where amplify is used is when they say "you got me sprung and i dont care who see's" you're able to denote one of the mian performers goign wild and begins dancing, whilst there is noone actually looking at her within the video; there is a loose connection between what she does in the video and the lyrics. This then allow both of them to anchor each other.

Another well displaced convnetion was music tempo, as the entire video was edited to the beat quite well but was also aided by the main stars performance at that moment in time. This is denoted when the tempo decreses and the speed at which the scenes cut to each other slow down to the point where it remain in one shot for about ten seconds, and as the tempo increses again then everything returns cutting quickly and their performance increses. We can connote that the video cwas clearly made to the beat of the music creating a rhythmic flow constantly found throughout the music video.

Furthermore they use conventions such as voyerism, empowerment throughout a larrge proportion of the video. An example of when they use empowerment is denoted when the three main stars are in jail cells after the scene has cut away from a dead male. You connote their sense of power and dominance within the video causing the males within the video to seem less powerful subverting from the usual depiction of women in music videos. An example of voyerism is actually placed within the music video, and this is denoted when a man is watching the female stars perform on the stage, allowing you to witness the "male gaze" first-hand. In doing this you can connote the usual depiction of female's sexuality as purely a sexual object or "eye candy".

Mise En Scene:

The are very few locations within the video but all still help to convey the messgae in which the charatcers are dispalying to the audience. Their first location is on a performers stage which helps to connote their power within the entire music video but only through their sexual prowess. In addition they convey themselves in a way that conforms to a womans roll within a video, which is a sexual object as they're performing for a man's pleasure.

Within the entire video they have two particular outfits, one of which is a lot more sexual as more of their body is shown whilst the other outfits are a lot more convered. The main singer out of the singer tends to wear more revealing clothes, helping to connote that she is the main star within the video but also draws the audiences attention to her in comparison to every one else.

When it comes to the lighting it is mostly focused on the main singer within the video once again connoting her importance within the video, in comparison to the other singers who are positioned to the side of the stage where there is less light. Furthermore by having the light focus on the main singer helps to excentuate her features further to the audience relating back to the idea of sexual empoerment.