Wednesday 9 November 2011

Conceptual: Katy B - Witches Brew

Mise en scene:

The most noticable location within the music video consists of the star being in a haunted enchanted forest and this settting helps to further emphasise the message she is trying to put across to her audience. This concepts consists of getting her man through the use of magic and seduction, and those elements are reinforced as she's placed within an environment that witches tend to be associated with, and it connotes a sense of mystical, creepy and enchanting emotions, which would help to further retain the interest of the audience.

She wears a variety of different costumes within the music one, the most predominate being her darkest costume consisting of a black coat, and a black latex overall with black shoes. In wearing this she helps to project the message that is constantly reinforced throughout her lyrics, for example when she says "book of darkness". From this we can connote a sense of darkness and despair but also helps present her lyrics in a more graphic way. In addition by her wearing a black outfit further inforces the theme that she's presenting to the audience and the sense of "Witches Brew" has very dark connotations and she represents that through what she wear, which also help to make it seem more realistic. Another one of her costumes are a lot more revealing connoting the main stars sexual presence creating a sense of empowerment by exploiting her body to her audience, encouraging the "male gaze",which in turn would further help to reinforce her purpose within the video which is to get her man. Furthermore she in a way uses this voyeristic effect to further draw attention to herself while retaining her dominance consistently throguhout the video.

The use of lighting within this video helps to create that mysterious,eery effect, due to the fact that at certain points the lighting hides her features therefore hiding her identity from the audience, whislt at certain points it helps to excentuate her features for example at around 0:13, we as the audience really focus on her face drawing more attention to the star. The lighting is predominanatly used during close ups of her, and is natural high key lighting.

The video has a heavy emphasis when it comes to post-production as in order for it to have created that mystic and "witch" effect a large amount of effects were required, and this helped to give the video more content. For example one of the major effects used are when she's in the room with the male character tied up and everything in the room is slowed down, whilst she isn't affected. This connotes themes of manipulation and magic, which all use lyrical methods such as amplify in order vto present the meaning behind the song to the audience. Furthermore it has be put in sync with the music so the scenario suits the music at that point in time, allowing it to flow fluidly.

Type of video:
Katy B's video is a clear example of a conceptual perfromance based video that uses methods of illustration and amplify when linking the lyrics and the video. This is clearly evident as there is no mian storyline within the video, as the events that take place aren't completely realted to the lyrics.