Monday 13 June 2011

Bruno Mars - The Lazy Song

This is an example of a conceptual perfromance based music video, whilst the the lyrics use amplify in order to personify the meanings behind the songs. The main focus of the video was its simplicity whilst its purely performance that doesn't have any relevance to song the area in which the video is set, and the costumes thaat they're help to retain the audience interest, giving it a sense of repeatability.

Mise en scene:

The costumes within the music video had no relevance, but its this lack of releavannce that helps to make this video so interesting, whilst they use no special effects and are purely wearin masks, we as the audience can connote the humerous effect in which they're trying to create. In addition as aformentiond it retains the interest throughout the entire video and could potentially help to broaden the potentially audience. However all the dancers are wearing the masks whilst the main star isn't, which creates a sense of uniformity amongest the dancers visual indentities and in effect creating a focus on the mian stars face, a convention usually common within pop videos. In addition it could potentially connote his dominance within the music video, as he's also positioned amongest the middle of the dancers.

The location of the entire video is purely based in that singular room, creating a feeling of simplicity but also allows the target audience to be capable of relating to them on a more personal level as we all have been placed within that environment. In addition by having a long shot of the location it establishies a sense of location. Furthermore the fact that there is only one location is quite unique as it doesnt conform to the vever changing scenarios that are commonly present in pop videos. 

There was one major prop within the entire video were the masks used on the backing dancers, which helped to create a humerous effect for the audience as if not only lightens the mood of the songs but further conveys the message of being "lazy" by linking it to monkeys. Furthemore in addition the masks keep the identities of the dancers hidden drawing the attention of from them but its placed towards the main star, helping to show the importance of his role within the music video.


The main star is represented as having a very dominant male role throughout the music video becuase no only is he the indentitfiable characters but the  way in which he is positioned within the group of individual, which is in the centre further signifiying his superiority, all of which conform to the stereotype of a male within the video. However a point at which the main star subverts from the stereotype is denoted between 2.27 - 2.40, and we can see the main stars are well as the dancers pull thier trousers down and sexually thrust towards the camera. In a way we could potentially connote the sexual objectification of their own bodies, which in effect would create a voyeristic effect for the audience as well as the "female gaze".