Wednesday 9 November 2011

Genre Case Study: Example - Changed the way you kiss me


This is Example's video to his dance hit "Changed the way you kiss me" single, and his music consists of a combination of house, dub-step and drum bass. There are various ways in which the artists and the genre are represented throughout the micro-elements. One of the ways in which they've done this is through the use of cinematography, mise en scene and editing. 


An example of the ways in which the house/dance genre is represented can be denoted when there is an aerial shot of the of extras dancing, all clustered together on the dance floor. This connotes the party atmosphere that can usually be felt when listening to this type of music but also the large group of people placed within such a small environment helps to convey that sense of "togetherness" referring back to "house" music. In addition the extras are jumping to the beat of the music creating a rhythmic style within the video further creating a heavy emphasis on the beat, which is normally the focus when creating dance, house and drum & bass styles of music.

Another way in which the genre is represented is throughout a long shot denoted when the camera is orientated towards the stage; this helps to only establish location which then creates links to the genre. This is because of the fact that this genre tend to have elements of conceptual and performance, which can vary between very simplistic settings and glamorous, high keys, big budget locations, whilst this video contains a combination of both. This is because of the fact the main star performance is based on a stage with hey key lighting, but remains as the prime location throughout the entire video. 

One of the ways in which the artist is represented is denoted during a close up whilst he's performing with a microphone. This connotes that he is the prime focus for the video, allowing the audience to draw their attention to him but also connotes the idea that he's also a performance artists that would most probabaly hold concerts within raves and club, all places where dance music is usually played.

Mise en scene:

The location within this video takes places within a concert hall/club with the main star and band on stage, and he's performing to a large audeince. This connotes themes of clubs and raving all of which reinforce the notion of this genre being focused more around the music rather than the way in which the artist themselves are represented. Furthermore by having it placed in such a simple location it allows the audience to feel capable of relating to that environment, but also makes it seem more personal to the audience allowing them to feel more involved in the performance as well as that genre.

When it comes to the artist within this genre he wears simplistic clothes such as jeans and a shirt, and this once again shows that he doesn't focus on his star image but the music, as time and dedication is taken in making the music it therefore means he doesn't wear branded clothing items or accessories, unlike artists from many genres such as hip hop, pop and RnB.

The lighting within the video varies between high lighting to low key lighting, and at point focuses on the performer and the band whilst still focusing on the audience at certain points all. This in a way represents him as being someone an audeince is capable of relating to on a more personal level, making it easier for them to connect to their music.